Our partners

In Sync with the Latest Industry Needs

SMT partners offer the most innovative Experience Management technologies in the global marketplace. They are consolidated partners, referenced by Forrester, that allow a safe transformation to the most traditional and beginners customers in this journey through the Experience areas. Innovation, without big risks!


Market leader Medallia Experience Cloud™ has in its portfolio more than a thousand of the world’s top brands. Its software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform is designed to improve the customer experience and explore this journey effectively and objectively.

Powered by artificial intelligence technology, the platform captures customer experience data in personal and IoT interactions, at various points and in real time, thus providing insights and actions that enhance the business result from all the feedback collected. With Medallia Experience Cloud™, customers are able to reduce turnover or churn, turn detractors into promoters and buyers, create cross-sell and up-sell opportunities on the fly, with clear and powerful return on investment.

Its mission is to transform all the data collected into value for the end customer. This allows the customer to exceed their expectations about the company, creating a high rate of loyalty and brand identity.

Medallia has expertise spread across 4 large groups of experiences:


Customer Experience


Employee Experience


B2B Customer Experience


Product Experience

Medallia Products:

Capture the Signals
Capture and analyze the signals for millions of moments to understand every experience in the journey of customers / employees, no matter what the size of your business.
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    Conversation: SMS, messaging
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    Speech: voice interactions
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    Digital: website, in-apps
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    Anywhere: Device, IoT
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    Social: social listening & reviews
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    Surveys: direct feedback
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    Video: videos and focus groups
Analyze and Predict
Artificial intelligence and machine learning detect patterns and identify risks and opportunities, optimizing the experience at any stage of the journey
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    Asknow: Quick Searches
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    Text Analytics: From Word to Insight
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    CX Profile: Complete Experience Review
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    CX Journey: Cross-Channel Journey Analysis
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    Action Intelligence: Actions Empowered by AI
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    Insights Suite: Insights at Your Fingertips
Take Action
Make major changes, across the organization or within a single team, driving targeted and meaningful actions before, during or after the experience takes place
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    Alerts & Reporting: Right Insights for the Right Person
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    Medallia Mobile: Insights in your hands
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    Crowdicity: crowdsourcing idea
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    Zingle: real-time engagement
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    Voices: customer voice insights
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    Strike deck: managing customer success
Complete information at
or contact SMT.


Qualtrics, the market leader in experience technologies, is able to collect and interpret data at different touch points, gathering information from customers’ and employees’ convictions, emotions and feelings.

The platform allows actions to be automated, promoting constant improvement in its customers, products, brand experience and with the employees themselves. Qualtrics technology identifies gaps in CX, BX, PX and EX and provides innovative solutions and insights.

XM solutions accelerate critical experiences to your business. With Qualtrics, you get quick setups, easy survey deployment, automated data analysis and easy-to-read dashboards – all tailored to your business needs.

Qualtrics works under three business concepts:


Listen +

Capture and store all your experience data from customers and employees in a single system of record for every interaction across the organization.


Process +

Powerful, predictive analytics make sense of your entire dataset, and proactively recommend the actions to take next.


Build a culture
of action:

Intelligent, customizable workflows ​​automatically alert the right people, and trigger actions in every part of the organization.

Qualtrics Products:

Customer XM
Measure and improve all important interactions with customer service software. Convert your customers into ardent fans who invest time and money in your brand, and also tell their friends.
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    CX Products
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    Digital CX
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    Voice of the Customer
Employee XM
Improve every phase of the employee lifecycle and create a phenomenal culture. Attract, train and retain a team of world-class promoters.
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    Employee Engagement
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    360° Feedback
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    Employee Pulse
Product XM
Develop and create products people love. Exceed your customers’ expectations by predicting and formulating perfect package prices.
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    Pricing research
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    Market Segmentation
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    Concept Testing

Build an iconic brand. Identify brand drivers, test ads and placements that turn brands into icons. 

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    Brand Tracking
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    Ad Testing
Complete information at
or contact SMT.


Sprinklr meets the demand of brands in a unique way across every digital front office: marketing, advertising, research, service and engagement.

Sprinklr is an innovative platform in the SaS market with 5 products, all with a common code base, deployed in a single instance, powered by artificial intelligence.

Sprinklr helps you to manage it all across a far greater number of channels: 24+ social media channels, 11+ messaging, chat and millions of news channels, blogs and forums. With the help of Sprinklr artificial intelligence, the customer becomes efficient, more responsive, more brand compliant and more insightful.

With Sprinklr, you can eliminate point solutions with 17 features needed by happier customers, which delivers excellent value for money by helping to drive revenue, reduce costs and mitigate risk.

Five Products in an AI-Based Single Instance Deployment Cloud:

Sprinklr Products:

Modern Marketing
Consolidate point solutions into a unified platform to monitor, engage and efficiently measure and deliver an incredible customer experience across 24 social channels and 11 messaging channels.
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    Content Marketing
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    Digital Influencers
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Modern Advertising
Increase ROI and media efficiency across teams with automation, collaboration and governance on a unified platform
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    Social advertising
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Modern Research
Boost content performance and reduce production costs using integrated planning with content reuse, workflow automation and customer insights with AI.
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    Social Benchmarking
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    Location, Products & Visual
Modern Care
Transform data into real-time insights, decisions and actions to create amazing customer experiences.
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    Customer Service
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    Chat Bots & Live Chat
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    Community Management
Modern Engagement
Reduce the cost of customer service management and problem resolution by applying smart, automated and AI-driven technologies.
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    Publishing & Engagement
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    Rating & Reviews
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    Influencer & Advocacy
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Complete information at
or contact SMT.